Our Mandate
A. 120 (1) the Constitution of Uganda
There shall be a Director of Public Prosecutions appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Public Service Commission and with the approval of Parliament.
The functions of the DPP are provided under A. 120 (3) and include;
- To direct the police to investigate any information of a criminal nature.
- To institute criminal proceedings against any person or authority in any court other than a court martial.
- To take over and continue any criminal proceedings instituted by any person or authority.
- To discontinue at any stage before judgment any criminal proceedings.
Our Core Values
Strategic Objectives
To examine and manage criminal cases.
To recover proceeds of crime.
To maintain international cooperation in criminal matters.
To ensure adherence to criminal prosecution standards
To provide policy direction and ensure the provision of effective and efficient support service in the ODPP.
Key Outputs & Achievements
The ODPP has registered numerous achievements in the areas of directing and guiding criminal investigations, prosecution of criminal cases, and undertaking various organizational development and strategic measures to propel institutional growth and effective and efficient execution of her mandate. Since the realignment of the Office, significant effort has been dedicated to institutional growth and development, to match its capacity with service demand and desired quality. Below are some of the key outputs and achievements of the ODPP;
A. Focusing on High Level Crime
Prosecution Statistics, 2020 to 2023
The conviction rate of the ODPP has risen to 72% over the last three
years from 61.75%.
Prosecution of Corruption Cases
The Anti–Corruption Department that manages and prosecutes
corruption cases has an average conviction rate of 82%.
From 2020 to 2023, the ODPP has recovered a total of Ug. Shs.
11,312,517,649 and USD16,000. In addition, iron sheets valued at Ug.
Shs. 638,860,000, Wheat flour valued at Ug. Shs. 72,800,000,
Anti–Malaria Drugs valued at Ug. Shs. 28,000,000 and Coartem valued at Ug. Shs. 5,000,000.
During FY 2020/2021 to date, the ODPP has convicted 148 individuals on corruption–related charges. 69 of these convicts were Government employees, who were barred from continuing to hold their offices for a period of 10 years from their respective dates of convictions.
B: Reducing Case Backlog
Prosecution of Criminal Cases through Plea Bargain
The ODPP has promoted expeditious handling of cases through the plea bargain initiative leading to remarkable reduction in case backlog and contributing greatly to the high conviction rate of the institution.
In FY 2021/2022, the ODPP handled 110 plea bargain sessions in which 7,036 cases were concluded with 100 percent conviction rate. In FY 2022/2023, the ODPP handled 99 plea bargain sessions in which 7,081 cases were concluded with 100 percent conviction rate.
Sexual and Gender–Based Violence Cases Fast Tracked
From 2020–2023, the ODPP has prosecuted cases in five Special SGBV Sessions. Victim–centred approaches have been employed in these sessions such as the use of child–friendly spaces that put children at ease enabling them to freely testify in court and use of anatomical dolls that enable victims of sexual abuse to demonstrate their ordeals simply.
This has seen the rise of the conviction rate in these cases from 60% to 80%.
C. Staffing and Staff Welfare
To address the acute staffing gap and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the work force, 100 State Attorneys have been recruited. The Prosecutors have also been promoted; 51 Senior State Attorneys were promoted to the rank of Chief State Attorney, 39 State Prosecutors were promoted to Senior State Prosecutors, 118 State
Attorneys promoted to the rank of Senior State Attorney and 10 Senior
State Prosecutors to the rank of State Attorney.
An 81% salary enhancement for the Prosecutors was achieved 2022 followed by a tax waiver in 2023.
D. Tooling of Staff
Fifty–five (55) vehicles have been procured and handed over to Regional Officers and Heads of Stations in hard to reach areas to enhance prosecution service delivery. Over 50 Attorneys have also been equipped with laptops to enhance their work.
E. Establishment of a Prosecutors’ Academy
In early 2023, the ODPP Virtual Academy; the first in East Africa was birthed This is an online platform for delivering training and legal resources to Prosecutors remotely.
F. Development of Guidelines
Several Guidelines have been developed to give direction to the Prosecutors and improve service delivery. These include the Prosecution–Guided Investigations Guidelines, Guidelines on the Decision to Charge, Guidelines for Management of Investigations and Prosecution of Land Crimes in Uganda, Plea Bargain Guidelines, 2021, and Trafficking in Persons Prosecutor Guidelines.
G. Development of Guidelines
In 2022/2023, the ODPP undertook a study to assess public satisfaction towards its services. Results revealed that 79.4% of the public were satisfied with the ODPP prosecution services; an improvement from 74.5% in FY 2021/22. In October 2022, the ODPP received the 2022 Uganda Responsible Investment Mark of Excellence Award as the Best Government institution in the Justice Law and Order Sector.
ODPP Organogram

Public Relations
This office is responsible for information dissemination to stake holders projecting a positive image of the Directorate and handling matters related to mass media. Its key role is to prepare and ensure implementation of public relations plans and programs aimed at, projecting a positive image; sensitising, educating and popularising the Directorate’s Programs. It is therefore responsible for dealing with media Houses.
This unit also works closely with the Resource Centre to achieve many outputs among others;
- Promote a positive relationship between the Organisation and the public, media both locally and internationally.
- Advise and sensitize the Management and staff on public relations matters.
- Carry out media/community monitoring and analysis to correct any wrong impression about the Directorate.
- Prepare media, press briefings, publications (including Journals, magazines).
- Inform and sensitize the public on the role and achievements of the Organization.
- Organize and carry out coverage of the Directorate’s activities.
- Manage and ensure safety of communication.
- Package information for information, education and communication the general public and ensure its delivery in liaison with the technical departments.
The following personnel are in charge of this office: | ||
Jacquelyn Akol – Okui Chief State Attorney / PRO | DPP Headquarters, Workers House Floor 12 E-mail address: jacquelyn.okui@dpp.go.ug Official telephone: 0786927311 | |
Irene Nakimbugwe Chief State Attorney / Deputy PRO | DPP Headquarters, Workers House Floor 12 E-mail address: irene.nakimbugwe@dpp.go.ug Official telephone: _ | |
Kambale Reagan WEB Admin PRO | DPP Headquarters, Workers House Floor 12 E-mail address: reagan.kambale@dpp.go.ug Official telephone: _ | |
Wakweika Felix WEB Admin PRO | DPP Headquarters, Workers House Floor 12 E-mail address: felix.wakweika@dpp.go.ug Official telephone: _ |
Do you have a Complaint?
You can lodge your complaint here to get your resolution and follow-up process started as soon as possible. Our team will get in touch with you shortly.
DPP Head Office
Plot 1 Pilkington Road
Workers’ House
P. O. Box 1550 Kampala – Uganda
Toll Free: 0800 112 300

Office Of The Director Of Public Prosecution
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions is established under Article 120 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. It is charged with the duty of instituting criminal proceedings in all Courts with competent jurisdiction except the court martial.