The Directorate of International Affairs comprises two departments including the International Crimes Department (ICD) and the International Cooperation and Asset Recovery Department. Within the International Cooperation and Asset Recovery Department is the Asset Recovery Division.
The directorate is headed by Mr. Odumbi James Owere – Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (DDPP).

1. Initiate, formulate and review ODPP policies, rules and regulations relating to management of cross-border crimes, international crimes and international cooperation in criminal matters.
2. Ensure overall coordination and harmonization of departments, divisions, sections, units and desks in the directorate, towards fulfilling the ODPP’s objectives in the management of cross-border crimes, international crimes and international cooperation in criminal matters.
3. Identify the need, advocate and negotiate for support and additional resources for effective public prosecutions and administration of justice relating to international crimes and international cooperation in criminal matters.
4. Examine, develop and recommend effective, improved and sustainable systems for prosecution of international and other associated crimes, Mutual Legal Assistance, extradition and promotion of a common approach to handling those cases within the country.
5. Ensure cross-border and international collaboration with stakeholders in the administration of criminal justice.

6. Examine and initiate improvements in legislation for the country’s effective management of international and extra-territorial offences and international cooperation in criminal matters.
7. Ensure proper identification and examination of jurisdictional and constitutional intricacies which inhibit international cooperation and enforcement in Uganda with a view to recommend appropriate measures for redress.
8. Coordinate and manage participation of staff in seminars and conferences on matters of cross-border crimes, international crimes and international cooperation in criminal matters.
9. Examine and document regional and international instruments relating to international cooperation in criminal matters to which Uganda is a party and make recommendations for their ratification.
10. Coordinating and harmonizing departments, divisions, sections, units and desks in the directorate towards fulfilling the ODPP’s objectives in the management of public prosecutions and administration of criminal justice.


The International Crimes Department (ICD) under the Directorate of International Affairs conducts prosecution-led investigations in respect of and prosecutes international crimes including crimes against humanity, war crimes, terrorism, transnational organized crimes including trafficking in persons, drug trafficking and piracy. It is also actively involved in conducting stakeholder engagements and outreach programmes relating to international crimes.

Within the department is the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division which manages trafficking in persons’ cases.
The department is under the stewardship of Mr. Lino Anguzu – Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions (ADPP).


The Trafficking in Persons Division is in the International Crimes Department (ICD), and it manages Trafficking in Persons (TIP)cases. The functional areas of the division are; overseeing the management of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) cases in the ODPP, capacity building of Prosecutors and other law enforcement officers in handling TIP cases, inter-agency engagements, and participation in outreaches.

The division handles both transnational and domestic TIP cases in the International Crimes Division (ICD) of the High Court and provides support and guidance in TIP cases to all ODPP Regions and Police.

This division is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the Trafficking in Persons Prosecution Guidelines, 2021, for effective handling of TIP Cases.

The division is headed by Ms. Joseph Kyomuhendo – Chief State Attorney  (CSA).

The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division operates in partnership with the Human Trafficking Institute (HTI), particularly, the Country Director Ms. Gabby Massey  and Special Counsel to the DPP .


The mandate of the International Cooperation and Asset Recovery Department is to handle and coordinate Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Requests. It establishes and maintains effective international and cross-border collaborations with stakeholders in investigations and prosecutions. This department is further mandated to introduce appropriate regulations for requisite cooperation requests. Under this department is the Asset Recovery Division whose mandate is to make acquisitive crime less attractive by depriving offenders and/or their beneficiaries of the benefits of crime.

The department is headed by Ms. Vicky Nabisenke – Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions (ADPP).


The mandate of the Asset Recovery Division (ARD) is to make acquisitive crime less attractive by depriving offenders and/or their beneficiaries of the benefits of crime.

The functions of the ARD are; to provide legal advice to investigating bodies and recovery agencies in asset recovery cases, prosecute asset recovery cases, enforce measures for recovery of proceeds of crime, pursue compensation for victims in successfully prosecuted cases, establish and maintain effective communication, coordination, collaborations and linkages with key stakeholders in asset recovery, initiate and provide strategies and guidelines for asset recovery and strengthen the internal asset recovery operational capacity of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. 

This division is headed by Ms. Annet Namatovu Ddungu – Chief State Attorney (CSA).